Rabu, 18 April 2012

Twitterland: follow, unfollow, follow back, mention, etc (Re-post)

Tulisan ini saya copas dari salah satu blogger inspirator saya ...

Semoga bermanfaat ;))


Wohoo…now in this twitter era we could get the most updated news in a split of second. Just stay tune on your twitter timeline and voila…you are being the most updated person, well of course you have to follow the right account. Like news account from real news to gossip, etc.

Well maybe not everyone familiar with this social media thingy called twitter. But for those who knows how to use it this is the great way to get updated news, promote things, create a working link or just make friends.
Ok, this time i wanna share some of my experience with twitter.

I started to use twitter on 23rd April 2009. For me its like a new game…learn how to use it and what does it mean by twitting, mention, follow, follow back, direct message, etc.
Twitting / nge-twit
Menuliskan apapun yg kita inginkan tidak lebih dr 140 karakter kemudian memposting nya yg secara otomatis akan bisa dilihat oleh semua orang.
Awalnya ada pembatasan jumlah karakter di twitter tapi seiring perkembangannya kita bisa menulis lebih dr 140 karakter dengan disediakannya aplikasi pendukung seperti twitlonger dll. Selain itu kita juga bisa memposting foto-foto juga informasi lokasi dari mana kita mengirimkan twit tersebut, lagi-lagi dengan banyak aplikasi pendukung lainnya seperti lockerz dll.
Di twitter ada yg namanya mention, follow, unfollow, mention, dm, RT, reply dll. Jelasnya apa benda2 itu fungsinya bisa langsung googling aja atau mungkin cek link ini… http://tipsntrick.net/artikel/umum/387-mengenal-istilah-dalam-twitter

Well anyway…enough with the bla bla things…this is my experience that i love to share… yang mau dibahas kali ini adalah soal follow back or unfollow, mention ga dibales = sombong
Before Jan 2011 my twitter is only consume by me and my friends (people that i know). I follow my friends and family, some news account, gossip account and also people that i admire or people that i want to know about for many different reasons. I get follow back by my friends and family also some people that i admire for again many different resons.

But that slowly change when the boys work loads getting crazy, they became famous and i might say they like 7 eligible boys on the teens market :-D they’re wanted. Almost every teens want to know about them and this makes people around the boys become on the teens list to be followed as information source of the boys activities each and every single day.
Me..is one of the person that exist on that list and here it goes…the journey of my slowly climbing up followers started. From get followed by friends only till i get unfollowed by my friends because on early days i love spamming them with twitwar with the boys haters or just answering the exact same questions from my new followers about the boys.

Things have changed, im no longer doing that twitwar thingy..i have learned my lesson. And now im trying to be better on each of my twit. But there are few things that bothering me..about follow back and answering to the mention.

I DO NOT Follow people that i dont know unless i do admire them. So from about 80,000 followers that i have i only follow around 400 people.
Some of this 79,600 twitting just say hello, morning, good afternoon, good night, say happy birthday, say happy anniversary, asking abt the boys sched and the ULTIMATE question FOLLOW BACK please…
This follow back please thing do bother me especially when the next mention would be insulting me or say that im arrogant a.k.a SOMBONG.

Then someday i twit something like this
“Gw follow @adamlevine tp dia ga follow back, kl di mention pun kayaknya ga akan dibales. Kira2 adam levine sombong ato gw yg lebay ya?”

this actually an example that i do experience myself. And the respons are vary some understand, some insulting me and some are just dont care at all.
Geregetan, gemes dan kesel liat kelakuan anak-anak muda penerus bangsa ini (lebay sih…but thats the fact) soalnya mereka tu kayak membodoh2i diri gitu. Kenapa gw bilang begitu karena mereka kan baca ya apa yg gw twit tapi mereka lakuin aja apa yg mereka mau, ga coba belajar dan memahami.

1. Soal mention
Kalo lo cuma mention saying hello, morning, good afternoon, good night, say happy birthday, say happy anniversary, asking abt the boys sched believe me it wont work. Kreatif dong katanya anak muda masa cari perhatian nya ga seru…be smart caught the attention through your amazing 140 characters. Jangan lantas karena ga kreatif nya lo trus cari jalan pintas dengan menghina, contoh: sombong, belagu, gendut, jelek, sok artis, sok cantik, a****g, t**, k****l, dll
Percaya deh…instead of you get attention to be answerd you will get report spam or even block. Dan menunjukkan betapa dangkal nya pemikiran lo…sayang disekolahin mahal-mahal sama orang tua klo cuma turn out to be someone with trashy mouth (bermulut sampah). Apalagi kali ngaku punya agama *tutupmuka krn di agama manapun manusia diajarkan sopan santun dan cerdas…

2. Soal follow back
Mereka terus twit itu itu dan itu lagi! Gw jadi pengen tau apa keren nya di follow back sama orang yg kita ga kenal dan bahkan alasan kita follow orang ini pun lebih antara nebak-nebak, yakin ga yakin siapa orang ini sebenernya…
Ok! misalnya akhirnya di follow back tapi mention dan dm lo ga pernah dibales dengan alasan yg lo ga ngerti apa atau mungkin lo malah di MUTE jadi akhirnya ga guna juga kan di follow back?
Bagus nya orang yg akhirnya follow back lo, inget sama lo pas kopdar (kopi darat a.k.a ketemu langsung)…lha kalo ga? Makin jleb!jleb!jleb! pasti rasanya kan…

So what is the point of being followed back if for him/her you just simply not exist?
if prefer to unfollow me…please do, i do not ask you to follow me at the first place,right? (This sentence sounds rude but fact!)

Soal follow back or answering a mention itu hak prerogatif gw (i might sound like a president)…im the president of my twitter account, ya kan? Jadi bebas dong…and also my right to ignore those who give me negative energy.

ps. I make this twit as my favorite:
“Twitter bukan sekedar folbek-folbekan. Kalo twitnya banyak berguna & menyenangkan bagi kita, pasti difollow deh. - @ferdiriva - “

wink wink :-)

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